21st Scientific Symposium of
the Austrian Pharmacological Society APHAR

Joint meeting with the British Pharmacological Society and the Pharmacological Societies of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of APHAR
and the 25th Anniversary of EPHAR

Graz, Austria, 16–18 September 2015


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D a t e : 16–18 September 2015
L o c a t i o n : Lecture Hall A (06.01)
Universitätsplatz 6, Graz
University and Medical University of Graz

(click on the map to enlarge)

open location in →

Nearest bus stops:
Universität/Halbärthgasse (Bus 41, 63)
Attemsgasse/Goethestraße (Bus 41, 63)
Mozartgasse/Heinrichstraße (Bus 30, 58)
Uni-Mensa/Sonnenfelsplatz (Bus 31, 41, 63)
Uni-ReSoWi/Geidorfgürtel (Bus 31)
(for information on tickets see → here)
(for a map of the meeting place and bus stops click → here)
L a n g u a g e : All presentations shall be given in English.
R e g i s t r a t i o n :
Please pay the registation fee directly at the meeting.

Registration fees:
Member rate1):
Non-member rate:
Reduced rate:*
€ 50
€ 85
€ 25*
1)Members of APHAR, BPS and the pharmacological societies of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, as well as EPHAR Executive Committee members and official delegates to the EPHAR Council may register at the member rate.

*Reduced registration fees are only applicable to students upon presentation of confirmation of student status
→ (confirmation form).

Participation is free of charge for invited plenary speakers and for APHAR Honorary Members.
C M E   c r e d i t s :
The symposium is accredited with the Austrian Medical Chamber with 27 CME credits (DFP Diplom­fortbildungs­punkte) (Pharmacology and Toxicology). (ID: 529710)

Confirmations will be issued at the registration desk.

Information for Presenting Authors:
All presentations (with exception of the ANA special event) shall be given in English.

Short oral communications:

The presentation should be 10 minutes, followed by a 5 min discussion. The lecture room is equipped for presentations with PowerPoint (PC format; double projections are not possible).

Poster presentations:

Posters shall be mounted on the indicated day prior to the start of the program and should be left on display for the entire day. Poster dimensions:
width: 84 cm, height: 119 cm (A0 portrait format).
Presenting authors must attend their posters during the designated poster session. Guided poster tours will take place during these session. Authors should present their work in 3 min (maximum).


A b s t r a c t s :


Abstracts of the meeting are published in

Intrinsic Activity, 2015; 3(Suppl.2)

(presentations where authors wished the abstract not to be published are not contained in the abstract supplement)

Download the PDF file of the entire supplement

T r a v e l   G r a n t s :

The Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR) offers a limited number of travel grants for students who are working in the field of pharmacology and who are presenting author of an abstract at the 21st Scientific Symposium of APHAR. The grants will be awarded to students affiliated to pharmacological or related departments (except Graz). The grant sum is 200 € and will be disbursed to the recipients at the end of the meeting. Please note that recipients of travel grants still have to pay the (reduced) registration fee.
(Note: Students from the UK should contact BPS, the British Pharmacological Society for the availability of travel grants)

Grant applicants also must submit an abstract as presenting author for the APHAR Symposium. Applications are considered complete when the accompanying abstract has been received by the organisers).

BPS Travel Bursaries:
BPS members wishing to attend the meeting may apply to the BPS. Detailed information is available at the BPS website. Please note the deadline of 31 July!
For information regarding the local organisation please contact the local organisers.

For information regarding the abstract submission and publication please contact APHAR Abstracts.

For further information on APHAR please contact the Secretary General of APHAR.

