Joint Meeting of the
Austrian Neuroscience Association (16th ANA Meeting) and the
Austrian Pharmacological Society (25th Scientific Symposium of APHAR)

Innsbruck, 25–27 September 2019

with SFB – F44 Satellite Symposium
Innsbruck, 24–25 September 2019


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D a t e : 25–27 September 2019
L o c a t i o n : CCB Centrum für Chemie und Biomedizin
Campus Innrain, Innrain 80-82
6020 Innsbruck

(click on the map to enlarge)

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F i n a l   P r o g r a m :

An overview of the meeting schedule can be downloaded here. →


← The final program of the meeting can be downloaded here.

Further information on the meeting can be found on the meeting registration website of ANA:

R e g i s t r a t i o n :

Please note that, as decided by the General Assembly of APHAR 2018, registration for APHAR meetings including mandatory prepayment of the registration fees will be done online in advance of the meeting. Registration fees will increase after the early registration deadline (10 July 2019).

As this year's APHAR Symposium is a joint meeting with the Austrian Neuroscience Association, registration and payment will be handled via the ANA meeting homepage.

APHAR members can register with a reduced registration fee (both regular and student members). For reduced registration please use the APHAR registration code that will be sent to you by the APHAR office together with the call for abstracts. This code may only be used by APHAR members who have paid their membership fee before the meeting.

Participation is free of charge for APHAR Honorary Members (no pre-registration necessary).

Authors who wish to submit an abstract (see below) must submit the abstract together with their meeting registration, otherwise the abstract cannot be accepted. Please avoid registering for the meeting separately from registration as this can only be handled manually by the local organisers.

Fees until 17 July: ANA / APHAR members:
ANA student members / APHAR students*:
120 €
  80 €*
180 €
18 July – 10 Sept: ANA / APHAR members:
ANA student members / APHAR students*:
150 €
100 €*
210 €
after 10 Sept and
on-site (cash-only):
ANA / APHAR members:
ANA student members / APHAR students*:
180 €
120 €*
240 €
*APHAR students: APHAR student members, and also PhD students who are not APHAR student members but work in a group headed by an APHAR member AND are the presenting author of an abstract in the APHAR meeting section, may register using this option (registration "APHAR student code" mailed to all APHAR members) and will be asked to send a confirmation form after the registration process (the form will be sent to you after the deadline).
Note: if you are a PhD student not presenting an abstract but nevertheless wish to register at the reduced registration rate, you must apply for PhD student membership first.

D F P / C M E:   c r e d i t s :
The meeting has been accredited by the Austrian Medical Association with a total of 18 DFP points (Pharmacology and Toxicology) (event ID: 650312).

Medical doctors (members of the Austrian Medical Association) who want to collect these points are asked to sign the daily DFP activity attendance list and supply your ÖÄK ID number; the DFP points (number based on your attendance) will be entered into your DFP accounts by the APHAR office after the meeting.

Medical doctors who are not members of the Austrian Medical Association but still require a DFP/CME confirmation are asked to sign the same list and provide their e-mail address so that the APHAR office can send a confirmation about the appropriate amount of DFP/CME activity to you after the meeting.

L a n g u a g e : All presentations shall be given in English.
Information for Presenting Authors:
All presentations shall be given in English.

Short oral communications:

The presentation should be 10 minutes, followed by a 5 min discussion. The lecture room is equipped for presentations with PowerPoint (PC format; double projections are not possible).

Poster presentations:

Posters shall be mounted on the indicated day prior to the start of the program and should be left on display for the entire day. Poster dimensions:
width: 84 cm, height: 119 cm (A0 portrait format).
Presenting authors are requested to attend their posters during the designated poster session.

A b s t r a c t s :


The abstract deadline (extended) is 17 July 2019

Authors who wish to submit an abstract (see below) must submit the abstract together with their meeting registration, otherwise the abstract cannot be accepted. Please avoid registering for the meeting separately from registration as this can only be handled manually by the local organisers.

*APHAR students: PhD students who are not APHAR student members but work in a group headed by an APHAR member AND are the presenting author of an abstract in the APHAR meeting section may submit the abstract and register using the "APHAR student code", which has been mailed to all APHAR members, and will be asked to send a confirmation form after the registration process (the form will be sent to you after the deadline).

The abstract deadline (extended) is 17 July 2019

Intrinsic Activity, 2019; 7(Suppl.1) 11.09.2019: Abstracts have been published online in Intrinsic Activity, 2019; 7 (Suppl. 1), the online publication medium of the Austrian Pharmacological Society.

72 of the submitted 152 abstracts are included in the publication, the remaining abstracts remain unpublished according to the authors's preference.

Intrinsic Activity, the online, open-access publication medium of the Austrian Pharmacological Society

T r a v e l   G r a n t s :

The Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) and the Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR) offers a limited number of travel grants for students and who are presenting author of an abstract at the meeting. The grants (250 €) will be awarded to students affiliated to pharmacological or related departments (except Innsbruck).

Applications have to be made to the local organising committee (Ramon Tasan) together with the abstract submission (for submission see ANA meeting homepage).

*APHAR students: PhD students who are not APHAR student members but work in a group headed by an APHAR member AND are the presenting author of an abstract in the APHAR meeting section may apply and register using the "APHAR student code", which has been mailed to all APHAR members, and will be asked to send a confirmation form after the registration process (the form will be sent to you after the deadline).

C o n t a c t :
Contacts for further informatin:

